Posts in Seeds of Insight
Seeds of Insight 032 - Autumn Lockdown or Retreat Part 3 - Welcoming all of me

Last Sunday, at MindRest, we looked closely at what keeps us away from fulfilment - not just fulfilment of our particular intention, but fulfilment in life altogether. For most of us, it is clear that it isn’t just circumstances - it is mostly our conditioned beliefs. At this point of the journey, different programs (including mine in the past) , tend to offer different techniques of letting go of what doesn’t serve us. If you have tried this for long enough, you will know that however much you shake it, burn it on sheets of paper and remove it out of your consciousness, it doesn’t work. Here is why. Here is also a different, more loving possibility.

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Seeds of Insight 031 - Autumn Lockdown or Retreat Part 2 - How to Set an Intention of the Heart

Last Sunday, at MindRest, we set our intention for the remaining weeks of this year - an intention of the Heart, not the mind. In this post, I share what I’ve learnt about how to set a powerful intention and how to let the Heart lead. For someone quite academically minded, it has been a life-changing discovery for me. For those of you who feel skeptical and resistant towards such practices, I want to clarify from the onset that there is little spiritual about this, despite appearances.

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Seeds of Insight 030 - Autumn Lockdown...or Retreat Part 1 - Where am I?

As we are slowly settling into another lockdown, it is an opportunity to turn inwards, slow down and reframe it as a retreat. It doesn’t have to be beautiful, grandiose and life-changing. It can also be subtle, loving and quiet. I sit in this one and invite you in.

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Seeds of Insight 019 - Good Addiction, Bad Addiction

It seems that all of us have different addictions that carry us through our days. We quickly judge some of these addictions as “bad”, others as “good”, creating a polarity that doesn’t really exist. This polarity keeps us away from seeing that all of them have one thing in common - they are a failed and innocent attempt to get happiness somewhere outside of ourselves.

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Seeds of Insight 018 - What would a tree say?

As trees are burning in the Amazonian forest, I am slowly raising my awareness around the horror of Brazilian politics and corporate interests involved. I have to admit, I was fairly ignorant to begin with…The next question that naturally comes is what to do. Perhaps, rather than casting blame and anger, one useful thing that we can all do in the face of current events is to make changes in our own ‘garden’.

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Seeds of Insight 015 - Why meditate?

Friends and yoga students often share with me that they would love to build a meditation habit, but they find it difficult. Indeed, meditation takes commitment and, for many of us, it is uncomfortable to begin with. 

When commitment is required, I find that deep motivation comes with understanding why we do it. Today’s Seeds of Insight is dedicated to this question. 

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Seeds of Insight 014 - What is your life purpose?

We look at the lives of inspiring people and we wonder what power guides them to achieve what they do. Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein, Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, Buddha, Van Gogh, Rumi, Joan D’Arc and on and on - they all lived extraordinary lives of full dedication to their mission. How? Rod Stryker, author of “The Four Desires”,  suggests that what sets them apart is their alignment with their life purpose.

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Seeds of Insight 013 - Why are we here?

When this question arises, no answer feels right, at least not to my limited mind. In the 1970s, the L/L Research group was formed in the US by a bunch of researchers to channel extraterrestrial intelligence. In the transcripts of their sessions, a multi-dimensional being called the Ra group revealed the wisdom of the Law of One and a beautiful answer to this existential question.

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Seeds of Insight 012 - Living from the Miracle Angle

Allowing everything to be as it is - especially feelings - without acting out or collapsing in, without disengaging or overindulging is a challenging skill, at least for me. Yet, when I look back at my 34 years of walking on this planet, I feel eternally grateful for the biggest crises, the hardest moments, the loss of loved ones.

Can you relate to this? Curses that turned into blessings in disguise pave all of our existence. Life weaves events in intelligent tapestry that we can never fully understand and if we trusted that process completely, then we would feel fulfilled even when all circumstances seemingly point to the opposite.

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