Posts tagged adyashanti
Seeds of Insight 015 - Why meditate?

Friends and yoga students often share with me that they would love to build a meditation habit, but they find it difficult. Indeed, meditation takes commitment and, for many of us, it is uncomfortable to begin with. 

When commitment is required, I find that deep motivation comes with understanding why we do it. Today’s Seeds of Insight is dedicated to this question. 

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Seeds of Insight 003 - Resurrecting Jesus

I have always loved the story of Jesus, so I felt compelled to share one of my favourite interpretations by Adyashanti. It is a different and beautiful perspective. He talks about the need to resurrect the Christ in each and every one of us. And that means living life fully, in all of its colours, embracing both joy and pain. Nothing to transcend. Nothing to avoid. This all-embracing interpretation is aligned in spirit with the tantric tradition that Rasa yoga is rooted in.

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