Posts tagged seeds of insight
14 surprising signs of growing self-love

14 surprising signs of growing self-love, a FREE yoga class for you + 1 month to go until our beautiful Portugal yoga and self-discovery retreat. There are a couple of final places left - welcome to join the beautiful group.

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February at MiST: Pregnant with Life

The month of February marks the first signs of life’s conception and our event calendar is full of opportunities to tune in with this arising life force. Nature’s pregnant belly starts to grow slowly, but surely. In the old traditions, this is the beginning of Spring. Since we are an inextricable part of Nature, the same process begins within our body and psyche. We may experience renewed energy and creativity, a sense that “something’s cooking”, a quiet excitement, a “je ne sais quoi”...

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Bluesanuary - How to support yourself through January Blues

Feeling low, hopeless, anxious and exhausted in January? Don’t worry - you are not alone. In this newsletter, you will find practical tips to support yourself through the seasonal affective disorder called January Blues.

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Seeds of Insight 56: January at MiST - This Life is Sacred

Happy New Year, dear Ones. In this newsletter you will find a new year reminder that YOU and YOUR LIFE are already sacred as they are; our January events schedule + various gifts and discounts: invite a friend to join the monthly pack and receive 50% off for both; refer a friend for a 1:1 therapy session & receive one for free; enjoy a 10% off Early Bird spots for the Spring Equinox Retreat in Portugal before Jan 20. Join us for a beautiful journey of yoga, self-inquiry, music, medicine and return to your nature.

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Seeds of Insight 55: Spring Equinox Portugal Retreat - Let the Heart Lead

Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life? Do you want to find clarity about what that would actually look like? Do you want to find the courage to step out of your comfort zone? This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. This life is sacred. Join us for a yoga + self-discovery Spring Equinox retreat from Mar 20 to Mar 27 in a truly magical setting at the top of the holy Monchique Mountain, in the Algarve, Portugal. 10% Early Bird discount is now open and will last until Jan 20.

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Seeds of Insight 54: In a cloud of MiST - visit our new website

Happy Winter Solstice! We are going simpler, with a new name, revamped website and a much simpler offering. We’ve lost 4 letters in the middle of MindRest and are now called MiST, which beautifully and simply stands for Meet in Silent Truth. 1:1 sessions of therapeutic support and spiritual mentoring are now the focus of this offering. Finally, early bird spots for Portugal 2022 Spring Equinox Retreat are now open -treat yourself or a loved to a beautiful and profound escape.

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Seeds of Insight 53: December at MindRest - Back to the Original Womb

The month of December at MindRest is called Healing Darkness. Not that there is darkness to heal, but that the darkness itself is healing. It’s an invitation to retreat from the world of lights, objects, intentions and into the womb of the night of winter. There, you can meet yourself as you are - naked, unembellished, imperfect, struggling. And you can tend to yourself with great compassion and love. That’s the living possibility to be reborn at Christmas.

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Seeds of Insight 52: Reveal Your True Radiance

An ode of love to True Radiance, which is our Nature, whether we experience it fully or not &

An invitation to discover it for yourself, to simply let go and shine with the True Friend 1:1 sessions

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Seeds of Insight 51: Let your leaves rest

Dear Ones, Sunday MindRests are back this Autumn and Winter. Join us through the monthly subscription or simply drop in when you feel the need for nourishment. In this newsletter, you’ll find all of that Winter goodness + a beautiful poem about grief.

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Seeds of Insight 50: October at MindRest - Autumn's Grace

Do you hear the beauty of Autumn’s song? It nourishes my whole being. This newsletter is an invitation to pause and step into the sacredness , generosity and silence of this season. Plenty of opportunities to join me in-person in London and Portugal in October.

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Seeds of Insight 049: September at MindRest - Free and Freeing

Feeling the post-Bank Holiday weekend blues? Don’t worry, I’ve got you. The September calendar is lush with free and freeing:) opportunities to meet for movement, stillness and self-inquiry.

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Seeds of Insight 048 - Anxiety as a gateway to your heart

Is it possible that anxiety is our friend and not our enemy? I welcome you to a free experiential session on Zoom to meet, befriend and learn from our experience of anxiety.

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Seeds of Insight 047 - My Body Says No + MindRest next week

My body says No - what London does to our system and whether it is worth it + a sweet invitation to listen to the body and rest next Wed at 7pm in our beautiful home Studio Soma N16. Join me at impromptu MindRest for cacao, candles and gong-infused yoga nidra. I called this one “Healing Balm” - bringing the healing balm of our own attention to the parts of us that need it.

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Seeds of Insight 046 - MindRest at Studio Soma: Home to our Self

Join me for a nourishing MindRest morning of cacao, gentle movement and deep gong-infused rest in our beautiful London home Studio Soma, Stoke Newington on Sun, Jun 27, 10.30am. The invitation is to come Home to ourselves, to our bodies, to our natural resting place.

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Seeds of Insight 045 - Whole: October Portugal Retreat

Reclaim all parts of your being. Rest in your innate wholeness

The first MindRest Retreat in Portugal is here. Join a small group of kind souls for one last warm escape before the winter sets in: a journey through the Five Elements and beyond, weaving yoga, dance, self-inquiry, yoga nidra, sound baths and ritual.

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Seeds of Insight 044 - The mind meets another, the Heart meets itself.

I've been dreaming for so long of a circle that isn't about being a woman or being a man - a circle that is about simply being. It is with great joy that I invite you next Monday at 8pm London to Space of Grace on Zoom - a celebration of what’s the same in each and every one of us, regardless of our differences in form, gender, origin, colour.

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Seeds of Insight 043 - A True Meeting

“A True Meeting of the Heart is like water being poured into water”.

I long to meet you in this way.

Discover True Friend Therapy sessions and book a free online consultation.

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Seeds of Insight 042 - Can you bear the Truth?

“If you want the Truth, I'll tell you the Truth:

Listen to the sacred sound, the real sound, which is inside you.”

But can you bear it? Can you really bear the broken-heartedness and wholeness of who you really are?

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Seeds of Insight 041 - We are all Sons and Daughters of God

“Be on your guard so that no one deceives you by saying, 'Look over here!' or 'Look over there!' For the child of true Humanity exists within you. Follow it! Those who search for it will find it.” Gospel of Mary

A mystical interpretation of the Easter story & an invitation to inquire into the nature of our own cross in life.

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Seeds of Insight 040 - Kind vs Cruel: Inquiring into Polarities

How to inquire into and soften difficult polarities that have a strong hold upon us? How to discover the truth that is deeper than any polarity? A loving invitation to inquire into your strongest opinions.

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