14 surprising signs of growing self-love
Meet in Silent Truth
Dear Ones,
In this newsletter you will find:
the unexpected signs of growing self-love in honour of Valentine’s week
a February gift for you - move your body in a FREE Soulful flow yoga class!
1 month left until our Portugal Spring Equinox retreat - still not too late to join us!
14 unexpected signs of growing self-love
Photo by Olya Gorodilina
You allow yourself to pause often, do nothing and simply be.
You de-prioritise what people think of you and prioritise what you love.
You are willing not to know. Often
You allow yourself to be imperfect and fail.
You spend less time thinking how you “should” be and more time simply being yourself.
You give little importance to your inner dialogue. It’s full of sh*t anyway.
Your most intimate connection is the one with yourself and you cherish it deeply. There is more solitude, less loneliness.
You have little time for unfulfilling relationships and friendships.
You allow yourself to be as you are, perceived flaws and all, without fixing yourself, improving yourself and abandoning yourself. You tend to yourself moment to moment.
You are truthful to yourself. You acknowledge what you are experiencing without self-soothing, self-scaring, self-hating or self-aggrandising. Your experiences come and go.
You are truthful to others. You say no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes.
You stop following external ideals, however beautiful they may be, and start discovering your own heart.
You get out of your own way. You have no agenda about how your life should be - it’s as it is.
You dance often, sing badly, write with spelling mistakes and laugh at yourself a lot.
February Gift for You
A FREE Soulful Flow Yoga Recording
It’s good to move your body every month, dear Ones, but especially so in February. As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, Earth is re-awakening to new life and the first signs of spring are here. There is one sure way to support your body to welcome this new life force - it’s to help it open and stretch, move the energy through and then allow it to rest.
Here is a sweet recording of one of our recent Soulful Flow classes on zoom for you. The sound is sadly not great, but the class is worth it. If it can be any inspiration for one of you to step on the mat and move, I’d be happy . Let me know how you find it - I’d love to hear from you. Password: f4mez1c!
Spring Equinox Retreat: Let the Heart Lead - 1 month to go!
The Yoga of Fulfilment, Mar 20 - 27th, Monchique, Portugal
There is still time to join us and a few last spots left. I’m starting to get really excited and humbled as the sweetest group of kind souls has gathered for it. The ceremonial cacao for the retreat has just arrived and I’ve slowly started immersing myself in the journey. If you need a break and some clarity, we’d love to have you.
Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life?
Do you want to find clarity about what that would look like in practice?
Do you want to ignite the fire to step out of your comfort zone?
This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. Your life is sacred. Nourish yourself after the long winter, reconnect with you body & soul, immerse yourself in a journey that helps you discover what your life is about, deeper than merely surviving. Join us for a much-more-than-yoga retreat in the most magical setting.
1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth
These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic skills, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this truthful open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.
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With Love and Gratitude,