The War Without is the War Within
Meet in Silent Truth
Dear Ones,
We may not be able to stop what is happening in Ukraine. We may not even be able make any difference at all, despite our best efforts. But there is one war that we have full capacity to end - the one inside our own mind…which, you may discover, is not that dissimilar to the one in Ukraine. This seemingly small act of courage is not to be diminished - it touches all living beings in ways we will never understand.
In this newsletter you will find:
An invitation to acknowledge, meet and soften the totalitarian leader inside our own mind
A March invitation to self-reflect
A final call to join us at Let The Heart Lead retreat
March online offering - Monday yoga + Wednesday Space of Grace
The War Without is the War Within
I don’t even know how to start this newsletter. Spring is awakening for sure, but are we? The human race seems to be falling more and more deeply asleep. I pray to be wrong on that one. There is a sense of helplessness, confusion, rage, shame and grief in my heart, all entangled in a foggy mess and ultimately covering up my broken heart. I’m sure we all experience some version of that at the moment.
Photo by Goran Vucicevic
When I look at the heartbreaking events over the last week, I can’t help but see that the war in our world is a large-scale manifestation of the war in our own minds. In that sense, I do pray to be wrong - may this be a time of rising up and awakening, instead of falling more deeply asleep for us all. We may not be able to change much in Ukraine, despite our protests and donations, but we are certainly able to put an end to the war within. It starts by recognise that is is waged. Often.
Of course, it’s easy to condemn the acts of horror of a mad war criminal somewhere far away from where we are. It is perhaps not so easy to acknowledge that we have an aspect of Putin living inside our own heads. It may not be true for you. You may be mild and soft, kind and generous, never angry or controlling. But chances are that, just like me, you are not always a saint. I certainly know this controlling, righteous, powerful energy that arises in me and drives its own totalitarian agenda.
If you wonder what I’m referring to, it’s the one that says “I know what’s right”. The one that says “I can do it better than others.” The one says “I deserve this and that”. The one that “knows what is best for you”. The one that wants things to be a certain way: “different”, “better”, “perfect”. The one that looks at others with a comparing eye. The one that preaches. The one that fixes or even “can help”. The one that speaks in “shoulds” and “should-nots”. Yes, that one - a pushy, judgemental, hard-edged, arrogant voice.
I often describe her as mini-Mussolini, but today, a mini-Putin is more appropriate. When she shows her head, I’m profoundly ashamed and you might have a different reaction. It doesn’t matter. Whether we indulge in this sense of power and righteousness or we reject it and try to hide it, it’s here and it is not fulfilling. In fact, it is keeps us separate from true fulfilment, connection and love.
The beauty and possibility is to meet this inner tyranny fully, see what fuels it (usually hurt) and tend to that wound at the root. Are you willing? If it is the case, just for a moment, bring into your awareness a trigger that makes you feel righteous. Take a moment to observe the energy in your body. The pushiness. The all-knowingness. The sense of superiority and power… Whatever it might be for you. These are just my examples to inspire you, but you can trust your own experience and words. When the energy is fully alive in you, simply ask yourself what emotion fuels that and what would it be like to feel it without expressing it or suppressing it.
Give it a few moments and allow the fire to burn. Don’t fix it. Don’t deny it. Don’t do anything with it.
As it moves through you, something deeper might be revealed. Righteousness is usually just the top layer. What is it? For me, it’s often sadness and worthlessness. For you, it might be something different. Either way, it is a tender part of you that is waiting to be seen. It may even be covering a deeper and even more tender part.
Whatever arises, allow yourself to feel it without doing anything with it. That’s all…Release any story you might have about what you are experiencing and allow the physical embodied experience to wash over you. Nothing to do. More importantly, nothing CAN be done. This simple but ruthless meeting of ourselves as we are (not as we want to be or as we “should” be) is a sweet and simple doorway to ourselves - to peace, integrity and self-compassion. In turn, the need to be right and project our imaginary power into the world softens. At least one small war is no longer waged. At least one candle is lit and can light other candles.
When you put your inner weapons down, you see that there is nothing to protect, nothing to control, nothing to push for. You discover, that your good tender heart is already broken and overflowing through the cracks with love. Here, you may find surprising compassion for the whole of humanity - we are all just broken hearts, some more lost in madness than others, aching our way back to love.
In love,
March Self-reflection question
What makes you right? What emotion fuels that? What if it’s not true?
Spring Equinox Retreat: Let the Heart Lead - Last chance to join!
The Yoga of Fulfilment, Mar 20 - 27th, Monchique, Portugal
There is still time to join us - one last room left. If you need a break , deep healing and clarity, we’d love to have you.
Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life?
Do you want to find clarity about what that would look like in practice?
Do you want to ignite the fire to step out of your comfort zone?
This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. Your life is sacred. Nourish yourself after the long winter, reconnect with you body & soul, immerse yourself in a journey that helps you discover what your life is about, deeper than merely surviving. Join us for a much-more-than-yoga retreat in the most magical setting.
1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth
These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic skills, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this truthful open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.
Upcoming Events
With Love and Gratitude,