Seeds of Insight 50: October at MindRest - Autumn's Grace


Do you hear the beauty of Autumn’s song? It nourishes my whole being. This newsletter is an invitation to pause and step into the sacredness , generosity and silence of this season. In it, you will find:

  • Reflections on the Autumn’s energy and an invitation to self-reflect in a practical way

  • Join me for 2 last live events in London for the rest of the year: a beautiful MindRest fusion of yoga and live music on Oct 3 at Studio Soma, N16 with my talented friend Glenneth;

  • A cacao, grief circle and sound yoga nidra with beautiful Nici from The Grief Space;

  • There is still an opportunity to join us in Portugal at the end of the month - 2 late spots for the WHOLE Retreat Oct 24-31 - join us and let yourself be nourished;

  • Are you struggling to sleep? Free sleep support yoga nidra every Sunday 8pm on Insight Timer.

Autumn’s Grace

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Autumn teaches us to die. And I don’t mean that in some morbid way, but in a beautiful, exquisite, sacred way. 

It teaches us to die to what has been planted in the Spring, to harvest what is already ripe in reverence and gratitude, to let its energy be used for our nourishment. 

It teaches us to die consciously to what has run its course, to what is already old, heavy with memories and stories that no longer serve a purpose. 

It invites us to open the fist and release the grip of old beliefs, so that there is space for the deeper wisdom to arise.

It teaches us to let go of this past year - it is already in the past either way, whether we are willing to let go of it or not. It invites us to let go of this past summer, this past week, this past day, the moment that just went by, the words that you just read…

All past. All gone.

What is it like to hold on to nothing at all for a moment, just like the trees hold on to no leaves?

What is it like to let each out-breath bring a new release, a new relief, a new permission to rest in the pause at the end of it? 

What is it like to make space for the next in-breath of new life, new birth, fresh start?

And like that, with such Grace, Autumn teaches us that death is not the end of a limited lifetime, but the very centre of a never-ending Life.

October invitation to self-reflect

What are you holding on to that no longer serves you?

October events

This month, I’m taking a break from all zoom offerings as I prepare for our beautiful retreat Whole in Portugal. Our car is proving way too small for all the music instruments, scents, cacao and magic that we are driving down to Monchique for you. If you are feeling the call to join us and nourish yourselves, there are 2 spots left due to a late cancellation.

But first, let me invite you to the last two live events in London for the year.

MindRest: Autmun Song

3 Oct at Studio Soma N16, 10.30am

Join talented music producer Glenneth & myself for a nourishing sound-filled MindRest morning in our London home Studio Soma, N16. We will marry soulful grounding vinyasa, self-inquiry and yoga nidra with live electro-accoustic performance. How can we release what is old and no longer serves us with grace and deep gratitude for the lesson that it has taught us?

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Let your grief rest

7 Oct Studio Soma N16, 7pm

Join beautiful Nici (The Grief Space) and myself for a nourishing evening of cacao +  grief circle + sound-infused yoga nidra. Let yourself be seen, held and supported.

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We’ll begin the evening with a heart-opening ceremonial cacao to set an intention, reconnect with our hearts and invite the energy of healing and transformation. We’ll continue with a supportive and nourishing grief circle - a space to learn about grief tending, connect with your grief, share your story and experience grief in community. We’ll finish with a deep sound-infused yoga nidra - a form of conscious yogic sleep, supporting healing, compassion and integration.

W H O L E MindRest Retreat

Portugal, Monchique, Oct 24-31

Two final spots in a shared twin room have become available. I would love to have you. The group and the journey I have been slowly designing are turning out so beautifully. I welcome you with a full heart.

Insight Timer Sleep Support: Resting Place

Join me every Sunday at 8pm UK for a free (optional donations-based) yoga nidra on Insight Timer. Yoga Nidra is the simplest, yet most profound practice of yoga - it is a practice of total rest and a form of conscious sleep with profound benefits for your nervous system. It increases your ability to unwind and fall sleep, supports you through stressful times, increases clarity, creativity and self-awareness. I would love to meet you there.

Need 1:1 Support? True Friend Sessions

True Friend Therapy is a form of non-directive advanced hypnotherapy, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram of Egoic Fixation, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.

Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.

It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you

Upcoming Events

With Love and Gratitude,


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