Seeds of Insight 54: In a cloud of MiST - visit our new website




Meet in Silent Truth

Dear One,

Happy Winter Solstice! May you be light-filled, free and happy. May this festive season bring comfort and warmth, contemplation and joy. Thank you for sticking throughout and being here. Thank you for reading these letters, for coming to MindRest, for sharing yourself in the circles. Thank you for coming with me to Portugal in 2021. Thank you for not unsubscribing just yet:) Thank you for being you.

In this newsletter you will find:

  • We are birthing a new baby. It is called MiST. It’s a baby of less, rather than more.

  • A Christmas gift for you

  • An invitation to join us for a beautiful Spring Equinox retreat in March called Let The Heart Lead. Early Bird spots are now open for booking! Enjoy 10% off until January 20th

Hello, MiST

Inspired by the view in this beautiful picture, we are going simpler!

I couldn’t really find a name that felt like home last year, so I settled for MindRest by popular vote. One morning, during the October retreat in Portugal, we woke up in the beautiful cloud in this picture. Bodhi Bhavan looked other worldly, liminal, hidden, exquisite, mystical…I remember saying to someone “I love mist so much. I wish my name was Mist, not Iri”. And that was that.

Here we are. A life-long love affair with mist has birthed a Winter Solstice baby. It’s a baby that doesn’t add stuff, it rather removes stuff, which feels so good.

Simpler name, simpler offering

We are dropping a few letters in the middle of MindRest and will be MiST from now on. It stands for Meet in Silent Truth. Beautifully, it is not just 4 letters that are falling, but some of the offerings I used to have on my website too. That feels even better and has resulted in a beautiful, lean new website:

This year has been a journey of stripping down without even noticing it. My work has quietly landed in a place that feels like home with 1:1 & group therapeutic support and spiritual mentoring. And though the other activities and MindRest immersions continue, they have all quietly become infused with it. They are all the same invitation to be intimately present with ourselves.

So there is only 1 offering left really - to meet yourself all the way, fully and truthfully as you are. This simple, but challenging meeting is the courage, beauty and gift of a lifetime. I’m here for that and would love to support you. The rest is the shapes that it takes and they are more or less irrelevant.

If you would like to learn more about the 1:1 sessions, they have now taken centre place on the website - go ahead and explore. Share the love with friends who might need them - help me spread the word. I would be so grateful, since I’m clearly shit at marketing.

Thank you for your support with this transition

The most exquisite part about embarking on this change has been the relentless & unexpected selfless support I received from this community. Immense gratitude to Guy who made the Monchique mountain mist logo, Jen who helmed me structure things in my head, and so many of you who helped me proof-read, understand SEO and generally hold my hand throughout. Thank you, I love you, you know who you are.

So go ahead, scroll through, give me feedback, send me pictures of mist and let’s continue to journey together. And if you want to wake up at the top of the mountain hugged by the same magical mist, the next Portugal retreat is live on the website! (see below) Never too late for an amazing Christmas present for yourself or a loved one!

A Christmas Gift for you

Come to our Christmas MindRest for free

As a way of saying thank you for being here, I’d love to invite you to our Christmas MindRest for free. Next Sunday (Boxing day), we’ll gather at 5pm UK for a sweet and nourishing 1h30 of accessible flow, restorative postures, sharing and yoga nidra. Come and digest the Christmas meal with us.

Spring Awakening Retreat: Let the Heart Lead is open for booking

The Yoga of Fulfilment, Mar 20 - 27th, Monchique, Portugal

10% Early Bird is open now and until Jan 20

Have you been longing for a more aligned, purposeful and heart-centred life?

Do you want to find clarity about what that would look like in practice?

Do you want to ignite the fire to step out of your comfort zone?

This retreat is for you. Don’t postpone, dear One. Your life is sacred. Nourish yourself after the long winter, reconnect with you body & soul, immerse yourself in a journey that helps you discover what your life is about, deeper than merely surviving. Join us for a much-more-than-yoga retreat in the most magical setting.

Struggling to sleep? Resting Place on Insight Timer

Join me every Monday at 8pm UK for a free (optional donations-based) yoga nidra on the Insight Timer app. Yoga Nidra is the simplest, yet most profound practice of yoga - it is a practice of total rest and a form of conscious sleep with profound benefits for your nervous system. It increases your ability to unwind and fall sleep, supports you through stressful times, increases clarity, creativity and self-awareness. I would love to meet you there.

1:1 Sessions

These sessions are a unique mix of spiritual self-inquiry and therapeutic skills, but most importantly, they rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this truthful open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.

Upcoming Events

With Love and Gratitude,


Seeds of Insight is a newsletter of dubious frequency with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.