Posts tagged Christian mysticism
Seeds of Insight 046 - MindRest at Studio Soma: Home to our Self

Join me for a nourishing MindRest morning of cacao, gentle movement and deep gong-infused rest in our beautiful London home Studio Soma, Stoke Newington on Sun, Jun 27, 10.30am. The invitation is to come Home to ourselves, to our bodies, to our natural resting place.

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Seeds of Insight 045 - Whole: October Portugal Retreat

Reclaim all parts of your being. Rest in your innate wholeness

The first MindRest Retreat in Portugal is here. Join a small group of kind souls for one last warm escape before the winter sets in: a journey through the Five Elements and beyond, weaving yoga, dance, self-inquiry, yoga nidra, sound baths and ritual.

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Seeds of Insight 044 - The mind meets another, the Heart meets itself.

I've been dreaming for so long of a circle that isn't about being a woman or being a man - a circle that is about simply being. It is with great joy that I invite you next Monday at 8pm London to Space of Grace on Zoom - a celebration of what’s the same in each and every one of us, regardless of our differences in form, gender, origin, colour.

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Seeds of Insight 043 - A True Meeting

“A True Meeting of the Heart is like water being poured into water”.

I long to meet you in this way.

Discover True Friend Therapy sessions and book a free online consultation.

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Seeds of Insight 042 - Can you bear the Truth?

“If you want the Truth, I'll tell you the Truth:

Listen to the sacred sound, the real sound, which is inside you.”

But can you bear it? Can you really bear the broken-heartedness and wholeness of who you really are?

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Seeds of Insight 041 - We are all Sons and Daughters of God

“Be on your guard so that no one deceives you by saying, 'Look over here!' or 'Look over there!' For the child of true Humanity exists within you. Follow it! Those who search for it will find it.” Gospel of Mary

A mystical interpretation of the Easter story & an invitation to inquire into the nature of our own cross in life.

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Seeds of Insight 035 - From Darkness to Light & New Year Offerings

The more we deepen our capacity to meet the perceived darkness within, the more we discover that it has innate wisdom, that it speaks its own language, that it has been calling for our attention sometimes for years. Discover the January offerings, therapy & more.

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Seeds of Insight 034 - We are all mothers of God

“We are all meant to be mothers of God”. This post is about the beauty and mysticism of Christmas and the possibility of embodying the Mother of God within each and every one of us, regardless of our story, our gender or our beliefs.

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Seeds of Insight 009 - The Original Sin

It is said that when we come into this world, we take on a veil of illusion. And that illusion is “I am Somebody” - a physical body separate from the rest of the universe. From that separation, suffering arises. Is this the deeper meaning of the Biblical story of the Original Sin? An extract from the book “From Fixation to Freedom” by Eli Jaxon-Bear.

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Seeds of Insight 003 - Resurrecting Jesus

I have always loved the story of Jesus, so I felt compelled to share one of my favourite interpretations by Adyashanti. It is a different and beautiful perspective. He talks about the need to resurrect the Christ in each and every one of us. And that means living life fully, in all of its colours, embracing both joy and pain. Nothing to transcend. Nothing to avoid. This all-embracing interpretation is aligned in spirit with the tantric tradition that Rasa yoga is rooted in.

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