Seeds of Insight 034 - We are all mothers of God


Dear Ones,

I wish you a warm and loving Christmas. May your heart be full and your mind be open and quiet. I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, for our shared presence and for so much kindness in this difficult year.

I wrote this post on Instagram a couple of weeks ago and it feels like a good time to come back to it - it’s a sweet reminder of Christmas’ magic and of the beauty that shines in each and every one of us.

“What good is it to me that Mary gave birth to the son of God fourteen hundred years ago, and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and in my culture? We are all meant to be mothers of God. God is always needing to be born.”

Meister Eckhart

Christmas is a time that makes my heart melt in a way I cannot put into words. And I don’t mean fairy lights and Coca Cola rain deers kind of magic. I mean mystery in the deeper sense. I love the story of Jesus and see every character in it as an aspect of our own Self.

I have been catching myself thinking of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, for weeks now. I have been feeling her presence, bowing to her quiet Grace and everything that she embodied. To me, Mary is a symbol of the Divine Feminine in its highest sense - a Mother, not just a biological one, but deeper than that, a Mother of all of life.
She is quiet and understated. There is relatively little said about her in the New Testament and yet, her quiet power is undeniable. In her silent embrace of all, she is strong and steady, accepting of life and fully surrendered to the role that she has been given.
She is silent surrender. In our world, we place so much importance on self-expression, personal willpower, my preferences vs yours, women independence and emancipation and so on. Yet to me, somehow Mary’s quiet surrender and her capacity to meet everything with mercy, including the death of her son, is where true power lies. In Silence. As Silence itself.
She is not an ordinary mother - she is the mother that exists in all of us, regardless of our gender. She is our infinite capacity to open and welcome life as it is, not as we think it should be. She is our steadiness to weather the storms and tragedies of life with wisdom and even gratitude. She reminds us of the possibility to surrender our minds, our personal will, to something greater than us and live a life in true service of that. In such life, neither dependence, nor independence have any meaning or importance at all.

She brings the good news of the possibility for immaculate conception in each and every one of us. For what else could immaculate conception be, other than the causeless revelation of the light within us? And what else could Christmas be, other than the possibility for each of us to meet ourselves fully in the darkest hour? And in that meeting, to embrace all parts of our being.

Somehow, this mysterious and difficult embrace - the darkest hour - is what lets light come through and gives birth to the Son of God within us. Isn’t that true Motherhood that has nothing to do with our gender, our roles in life, whether we are biological parents or not?

May we all be Mothers of God in this challenging and beautiful time.

Christmas MindRest - bring all friends who may need a silent embrace for free.

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