Seeds of Insight 033 - Healing Darkness


Dear Ones,

They say that the “night is darkest before dawn” - a phrase that seems so appropriate in these times, both in the wheel of the seasons, as well as in the world around us. Usually, however, we hurry to avoid this darkness and in that avoidance, we sometimes miss its beauty and wisdom.

Physical darkness is formless and beautiful, deeply nourishing for our system. It allows us to release our sense of sight of its constant scanning job and to make space for our inner vision to expand and open.
Deeper than that, our darkest hours are hours of transformation and healing. They are an invitation to meet and release the old identities that are no longer serving us, so that we can truly make space for the light to come in at “dawn”. For me, this is the true meaning of the birth of Christ and Christmas altogether (before it became a religion and, later on, simply commercial madness).

Healing Darkness is the phrase that has been whirling in my head over the last few days and so I decided to follow it. It shall be the next monthly theme of MindRest and it starts on Sun at 5pm GMT on zoom. You can choose to drop in at any point (£10) or you can choose the full monthly package (£30). See details at the bottom of this newsletter.
It will be an ever more formless journey towards the birth of the new Light at Christmas. We will start with our physical identities and, as we shed layers along the way, we will journey towards the ever more subtle realms. If this resonates with you, come along. I would love to meet you in the embrace of the Healing Darkness.

I can’t wait..I don’t really know where this is headed and that’s exquisite.

in Love and Gratitude,


1 Month Pass - access to all classes and recordings

8 in total (4x Wed Soulful Flows & 4x Sun MindRests)

Contribution: 30 pounds

For anyone struggling with cash, please let me know, come and don't pay. I feel you.


Every Sun 5pm GMT 1h30 of yoga, sound, inquiry and yoga nidra

Contribution: 10 pounds, or if you have a monthly pass, it is included.

Soulful Flow

Every Wed 8am GMT 55 mins of soulful vinyasa to start the day

Contribution: 5 pounds, or if you have a monthly pass, it is included.

Seeds of Insight is a newsletter of dubious frequency with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.

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