Posts tagged negative beliefs
Seeds of Insight 033 - Healing Darkness

As the days are getting shorter and we are quickly approaching the Winter Solstice, the darkness outside is a reminder of the deeper and (what we consider) “darker” realms within us. As modern day Christmas madness exemplifies it well, we tend to avoid this darkness at all cost. But in this avoidance, we often miss its healing beauty and mystery. The next mont of MindRest is all about embracing the darkness rather than avoiding it.

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Seeds of Insight 032 - Autumn Lockdown or Retreat Part 3 - Welcoming all of me

Last Sunday, at MindRest, we looked closely at what keeps us away from fulfilment - not just fulfilment of our particular intention, but fulfilment in life altogether. For most of us, it is clear that it isn’t just circumstances - it is mostly our conditioned beliefs. At this point of the journey, different programs (including mine in the past) , tend to offer different techniques of letting go of what doesn’t serve us. If you have tried this for long enough, you will know that however much you shake it, burn it on sheets of paper and remove it out of your consciousness, it doesn’t work. Here is why. Here is also a different, more loving possibility.

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