Posts tagged the seed
Seeds of Insight 011 - How do I betray myself?

We spend much of our lives and energy accumulating more - more knowledge, more money, more achievements, more experiences, more power, more control, even more suffering. If we honestly examine this tendency for “more”, we will see that at the source of it lies our mind’s attempt to avoid an old grief - the grief of betraying our true Self.

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Seeds of Insight 009 - The Original Sin

It is said that when we come into this world, we take on a veil of illusion. And that illusion is “I am Somebody” - a physical body separate from the rest of the universe. From that separation, suffering arises. Is this the deeper meaning of the Biblical story of the Original Sin? An extract from the book “From Fixation to Freedom” by Eli Jaxon-Bear.

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Are you a mindful employer?

It is mental health awareness week - a good time to ask ourselves whether we are aware as a business. In today’s blog we talk about why you should do yoga and meditate at work. Work-related stress has been shown to have huge long-term implications for people and businesses alike. Recent study by Mercer and YouGov shows that 61% (!) of employees in the UK have experienced mental health issues related to work. And while support is offered, it is often inadequate. Mindfulness works and has tremendous proven benefits for healthy individuals too ranging from improved focus, memory and decision making to (most importantly) a sense of joy.

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