Posts tagged seed of awareness
Seeds of Insight 012 - Living from the Miracle Angle

Allowing everything to be as it is - especially feelings - without acting out or collapsing in, without disengaging or overindulging is a challenging skill, at least for me. Yet, when I look back at my 34 years of walking on this planet, I feel eternally grateful for the biggest crises, the hardest moments, the loss of loved ones.

Can you relate to this? Curses that turned into blessings in disguise pave all of our existence. Life weaves events in intelligent tapestry that we can never fully understand and if we trusted that process completely, then we would feel fulfilled even when all circumstances seemingly point to the opposite.

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Seeds of Insight 011 - How do I betray myself?

We spend much of our lives and energy accumulating more - more knowledge, more money, more achievements, more experiences, more power, more control, even more suffering. If we honestly examine this tendency for “more”, we will see that at the source of it lies our mind’s attempt to avoid an old grief - the grief of betraying our true Self.

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Seeds of Insight 010 - What should I do to be free?

When the desire for freedom from all suffering arises, the next thought that usually comes is “What to do?” Our mind is looking for a new skill to acquire, a new problem to solve, a new practice to master.

With that, new bondage is created as we naturally transfer our old habits of grasping to a fresh and more noble goal of liberation. Can you relate to this?

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Seeds of Insight 009 - The Original Sin

It is said that when we come into this world, we take on a veil of illusion. And that illusion is “I am Somebody” - a physical body separate from the rest of the universe. From that separation, suffering arises. Is this the deeper meaning of the Biblical story of the Original Sin? An extract from the book “From Fixation to Freedom” by Eli Jaxon-Bear.

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Seeds of Insight 003 - Resurrecting Jesus

I have always loved the story of Jesus, so I felt compelled to share one of my favourite interpretations by Adyashanti. It is a different and beautiful perspective. He talks about the need to resurrect the Christ in each and every one of us. And that means living life fully, in all of its colours, embracing both joy and pain. Nothing to transcend. Nothing to avoid. This all-embracing interpretation is aligned in spirit with the tantric tradition that Rasa yoga is rooted in.

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