Posts tagged bliss
Seeds of Insight 015 - Why meditate?

Friends and yoga students often share with me that they would love to build a meditation habit, but they find it difficult. Indeed, meditation takes commitment and, for many of us, it is uncomfortable to begin with. 

When commitment is required, I find that deep motivation comes with understanding why we do it. Today’s Seeds of Insight is dedicated to this question. 

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Seeds of Insight 007 - How to practice Self-inquiry?

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke about True meditation -  the practice of letting go of any form of control and allowing the experience to be as it is. Today’s post is a follow-up to take us one step further into the practice of Self-inquiry. Who are we? How to inquire into our true nature - a dialogue with Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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Seeds of Insight 004 - Am I good enough in God's eyes?

Some of our mental constructs seem so old that we can hardly imagine what life would FEEL without them. We may have picked them up in our earliest days, before we even had the ability to describe them in words. And when we step on the mat, sit to meditate or turn towards Peace, we inevitably bring them along. For me, it is the feeling of not being good enough. Can you relate? A welcome reminder that we are all equally good enough to realise the Self in a conversation with Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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