Seeds of Insight 023 - The Only Moment We'll Ever Have


Dear You,

Greetings from Stroud where I have been studying sacred sound with the wonderful Gong Master Training Program. It has been a week of playfulness and humility, generosity and laughter. Today's newsletter is dedicated to the practice of being present, which to me means meeting the 'now' with an open heart.

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” These simple but pointed words are by Thich Nhat Hanh - the Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, who devoted his life to spreading the teachings of mindfulness and peace. It feels like I’ve heard this message many times and I have forgotten it as many. Material and physical safely, jobs, achievements, work in service of self or work in service of others, harmonious and less harmonious relationships, moments of success and moments of failure, times of poverty and times of abundance - none of these has ever brought me lasting fulfillment. Yet when I sit in silence, without future and without past, there it is - the magnificence of the present moment.

The practice of mindfulness is all about that - to come back to the present. It is through this complete fascination with the 'now' that meditation supports us through depression, anxiety, chronic pain. It is also through this same fascination that it builds our integrity, self-knowledge, focus and sense of inner purpose.

For most of us, it is difficult at the start. We struggle to sit still, we face physical or emotional discomfort, there is a tendency to escape in our thoughts. Building a new habit is a challenge. It appears boring (and it is for our mind)...On and on, the list of reasons why not to do it is long. We might even wonder what’s the point of it…

But with time, the ‘point’ is revealed. As the mind settles, the joy and beauty of our own being starts shining slowly. At first, the light is tentative and elusive, but with time, it becomes more natural and established...for it is our very nature. As much as we may not believe it, as much as we think we don't deserve it, as much as we fear failure, there is no failure in this quest. It is already here waiting for us to see it.

You might wonder how to begin? There are many ways to do so - 8-week courses at the nearest Buddhist centre are a wonderful doorway to be supported by other fellow beginners and beautiful teachers. If a group setting is not for you, you could explore various meditation apps such as Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer (I largely prefer the latter). Youtube videos of guided meditations are also enough. Whatever works for you - there is no "better" way.

If 1:1 is your preferred format and you'd like to explore a specific present condition, I offer in person therapeutic sessions and courses in Stoke Newington (North London). I design them to meet you wherever you are at and infuse them with self-reflection and sound healing to support relaxation. My certification with Mindfulness Now has a 1:1 focus and I keep falling in love with the power of this beautiful format. If travelling in London is not for you or you live on the other end of the planet, I also offer online sessions that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Book a free online 20min consultation with me here - together, we will discover the right format for you.

Please share the love with anyone who might need a hand too! Thank you!

With Love,



No yoga classes this week

Seeds of Insight is a weekly Sunday newsletter with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.

Photo by Evie S. @evieshaffer

Photo by Evie S. @evieshaffer