Seeds of Insight 038 - The Language of the Heart
“Longing is the core of the mystery.
Longing itself brings the cure.
The only rule is,
Suffer the pain.”
Our Heart speaks to us - not in words, not in signs and synchronicities, but in nagging longing, numbness and despair; in rapture, causeless joy, Silence and love too. Such is the language of the Heart.
Can you hear it or have you tried to silence it with “it is too much to handle”, “you need to keep going”, “the to-do list is long”, “one step at a time”, [fill the gap with your own self-medication]?
We have been highly conditioned to ignore it by throwing all sorts of things at it - food, alcohol, spiritual practices, gym and health habits, psychotherapy, belongings, sense of purpose, relationships...anything really.
For some of us, it works. For many others, something is always missing - we keep trying but none of these strategies is entirely successful.
What about you?
If you are part of this second group, you may consider yourself unlucky. You may even think that you are among the few and far apart who are flawed, depressed, with whom something's wrong.
But what if it is just the opposite of that? What if this nagging longing and pain is your greatest gift? What if it doesn’t go away no matter what you throw at it, so that you cannot ever overlook it? What if there is no remedy because it is your Heart calling you home? What if it takes no food you try to give it, because it only takes the totality of you?
What if it is time you jump into the lion’s mouth?
Oh what bliss...oh I cannot stay quiet anymore - I need to tell you about the joy of being eaten.
Come. If you feel the call of the heart - reach out. I would love to meet you in the presence of the lion. (discover more about a True Friend session below).
MindRest, Sun 5pm GMT
1h30 of yoga, sound, inquiry and yoga nidra. Drop in: £10
Soulful Flow, Wed 8am
Start the day with 55 minutes of energising vinyasa, silly jokes and half-asleep friends. It is cheap and chirpy and all levels are welcome. Drop-in: £5
Soulful Slow, Fri 5.30pm
60 mins of sensing, feeling, stretching and simply being. Drop-in: £5
1:1 Support
True Friend Sessions
True Friend Therapy is a form of non-directive advanced hypnotherapy, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram of Egoic Fixation, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.
Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.
It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you
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