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Seeds of Insight 012 - Living from the Miracle Angle

Dear You,

Greetings from magical Beirut! The focus of last week’s yoga classes was allowance. Allowing everything to be as it is - especially feelings - without acting out or collapsing in, without disengaging or overindulging is a challenging skill, at least for me. Yet, when I look back at my 34 years of walking on this planet, I feel eternally grateful for the biggest crises, the hardest moments, the loss of loved ones.

Can you relate to this? Curses that turned into blessings in disguise pave all of our existence. Life weaves events in intelligent tapestry that we can never fully understand and if we trusted that process completely, then we would feel fulfilled even when all circumstances seemingly point to the opposite.

“It is an abiding principle of dharma that every experience can help you grow and move you closer to who you are meant to become. The key to being able to do so is being willing to surrender, to be dispassionate, to let go of your attachments to the past and your expectations of the future. In doing so, you find a point of view that will help you live more freely and fully. I call this positive point of view the Miracle Angle because it allows us to see the potential for something good in even the most painful experience.

[...] Finding a Miracle Angle requires you to not be bound to any single perspective. In part this means accepting the idea that it is practically impossible to know and ever fully understand why particular event happens. As much as we may try, it is all but impossible for mortal humans to know why we have to live through what we have to live through. Only an enlightened mind escapes the confines of limited perception. Non-attachment provides a glimpse of this aspect of enlightenment by freeing us from holding on to a particular interpretation of a situation.”

Rod Stryker, from the book “The Four Desires”

Living from the Miracle Angle doesn’t mean no more pain, flying unicorns and balloons with hot gas. On the contrary - pain is felt even more completely, but it is no longer resisted. We meet it all the way as there is a deep remembrance that all is always well and life has our back in a mysterious way.

With love,


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