Posts in newsletter
A Journey Within: Retreat with us and Nourish your soul this Autumn

Join us for a soulful journey within. Explore the deeper layers of the yoga practice, open and discover the healing power of your own voice. Tend to your mind, body and soul. Give a moment in your life to the sacred within you. Join my wise friend Simona (Apsara) - a renowned Dhrupad singer, vedic and sanskit teacher and voice therapist - and myself on a journey within back to our Heart. Prices starting from £950.

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Bring it on 2024

How to integrate the old year with gratitude and welcome the new one with openness. In this newsletter, you will find self-reflection prompts for an intimate New Year ritual with yourself. You will also find a bounty of gifts to begin the new year in greater self-care and love. A new month of MindRests begings online. Welcome to join me.

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November at Mist: Reflections. A lot is going on the world and, I am sure, in each of us. No words would do justice to the heartbreak that we all feel, yet I decided to embrace that failure and write anyway. A new month of Sunday MindRest sessions begins in November with this theme of Reflections. As the days are drawing shorter, this is an invitation to crawl back your senses from the world of objects and turn the gaze in for self-reflection. We start on Sunday, Nov 5.

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