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WHOLE Retreat 2023 is here - Join us!

Retreat from the world for a week

Return to your natural wholeness

You are allowed to rest.

Dear ones

It is with great joy that I invite you to Season 3 of our W H O L E Autumn Retreat in Portugal. Join us on Oct 14 2023 for a week of healing yoga, self-discovery and deep rest at beautiful Bodhi Bhavan, near the top of the holy Monchique mountain in the South Portugal.

There are only 4 spots left, before I was able to announce it. One of them can be yours.

Enjoy the 10% Early Bird discount before July 1.

What happened in the previous seasons of WHOLE?

We quietly grew together. These gatherings of yoga, healing and self-discovery have become a bit of a ritual for a small community of souls that keep coming together over and over again (thank you, I am so honoured). It’s not a woo-woo ritual. It’s a simple, nourishing and safe space to put down our masks, take a break from our roles and just be as we are - real, messy, tired, longing for something else than what the material world can provide. There, “more” seems to be the perpetual mantra. 

Here, the mantra is less.

Less complexity, less doing, less achieving, less pretending. Less. After all, we are all longing for something very simple - to be seen, held and supported without strings attached, in our totality. We are all longing to just be, without needing to change, without being fixed, without being wrong in the first place.

I see this one week in our lives as a time to remember that this is not only possible - it is our birthright. We all deserve to return to this natural wholeness and REST. This is why I continue to show up and I wholeheartedly invite you here. If this speaks to you in some way, you are welcome, just as you are.

There are only 4 spots left before I even managed to put in online, as the previous crew comes back for more.

It is your time.

What to expect in this season

7 deep, but also nourishing and light-hearted days. Each day will include 5 pillars:

Let Your Body Move

Slow and soulful vinyasa yoga to start the day, restorative yoga or dance at sunset. Allow yourself to drop from your busy mind down into your body. Our bodies have natural wisdom that we largely ignore when we are fully involved in the world. This is an opportunity to hear it.

Let Your Senses Open

Daily guided meditation, curated to the theme and exploration of the day. Discover the art of being intimately and silently present with yourself.

Let Your Mind Rest

Otherworldly yoga nidra (my favourite part of yoga), infused with sound healing & dream songs. Yoga nidra is sometimes called the practice of yogic sleep, as it allows the body and conscious mind  to rest fully. For me, it is the practice of wakefulness.

Receive the Wisdom of your Heart

Ironically, the heart speaks when you are not looking for answers in your mind. It speaks a language of spontaneous insight and direct experience. We will prompt it with some deep self-reflection questions.

Rest in your innate wholeness

We will sit together in circle, drink ceremonial cacao and share if we feel so. In the sweet holding of the group, all the practices and questions of the retreat combust into healing, courage and self-love. When we don’t have to be anything that we are not, we can finally rest in what we are.

What do people say?

“I would return in a heartbeat.”

— Lesley S., USA

“This retreat was one of the most magical experiences of my life...from the quiet, mountaintop location, to the beautiful Bodhi Bhavan resort, to Iri’s powerful and kind guidance throughout the workshops, yoga, meditations and daily prompts. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone in need of reconnecting with themselves, their body and their spirit. HIGHLY transformative. ”

— Jen W., USA

“What an incredibly nurturing journey, a magical place, great food, amazing people and such a gentle and transformative guidance from Iri. I have no words to express my gratitude.”

— Joy, The Netherlands

“It is a true retreat rather than a vacation with exercise.  It is very special and unique. It is Iri who makes this more than what you expect.”

— Anonymous

I’m waiting for you.

With Love,
