Immaculate Conception


Meet in Silent Truth

Dear Ones,

In this letter you will find:

  • February in Nature, Imbolc, Trifon’s day…and what that means for our bodies and minds

  • Sunday MindRests continues as usual at 5pm UK time - join us for 1h30 of yoga, self-investigation and yoga nidra in a new series of 3 sessions called Immaculate Conception

  • Only 3 spots left for our Whole Retreat in Portugal in October!

  • 4 1:1 slots are open for MiST sessions in February - dive in, discover what you truly want and how you unconsciously betray that in service of old beliefs, heal the wounds underneath these beliefs and live a more expansive life in integrity with yourself.

February in Nature: Immaculate Conception

February in nature is about the first signs of freshly conceived life: the first snowdrops showing their heads, the first buds appearing on the early trees, the first impression of this invisible life potential growing in the womb of Nature Out of the empty silence of winter, a new life is conceived…immaculately, meaning without reason.

The old traditions acknowledged this subtle, almost invisible shift. On Feb 1-2, the Celtic tradition celebrates Imbolc, which means "in the belly of Mother Earth" - the mid point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. In the pagan tradition I come from, we celebrate Trifon’s day - an earth-blessing day of pruning the vines, praying for a bountiful year and...these days, mostly getting drunk at mid-day. 

If we are quiet enough, we will hear the throb of the same potential quietly awakening inside us. Our energy levels are slowly lifting up as the days are getting longer. Our minds are more alive with new possibilities, our bellies beginning to feel an unnamable sense of anticipation, our eyes become more radiant.

It is as if our whole being is silently asking “What’s cooking? What will this year bring?”

I invite you for a month of holding this question inside you, without reaching out for any answer, without knowing what you have conceived in your empty winter cup, without knowing if you are “pregnant with a boy or girl", without knowing whether an exciting or a quiet year lies ahead of you. “It is too early to tell”, Nature whispers. “You actually don’t know”. And while the tendency of the mind is to want to know, I invite you to listen instead.



MindRest: Immaculate Conception

(Almost) Every Sunday at 5pm UK

In February, we will explore this unnamable life force waking up inside us with slightly more energising sequences. I welcome you on the mat with an open beginner’s mind, a sense of curiosity and wonder about what this year would bring and a willingness to not reach out for ready answers. What would it be like to feel that something is coming, not knowing what?

There are only 3 classes this month, due to some travels for me. No pack pricing, only drop-ins for £12.

1h30 of yoga, meditation, self-reflection & yoga nidra, (almost) every Sunday at 5pm UK

Whole Retreat vol 3 is waiting for in October: Only 3 spots left!

Retreat from the world for a week

Return to your natural wholeness

You are allowed to rest.

It is with great joy that I invite you to Season 3 of our W H O L E Autumn Retreat in Portugal. Join us on Oct 14 2023 for a week of healing yoga, self-discovery and deep rest at beautiful Bodhi Bhavan, near the top of the holy Monchique mountain in the South Portugal.

There are only 3 spots left at this point: 1 in a shared male room and 2 in a shared twin room (or a single if you prefer)

1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth

Only 2 regular slots in January

These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic support, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.

Upcoming Events

With Love and Gratitude,
