Seeds of Insight 001 - The Pearl
Dear You,
Seeds of Insight is a weekly Sunday newsletter with no news. It’s your dose of wisemen’s words, of short stories for the soul, of moments to stop in this marathon we call life. To receive them by email, sign up here.
The first short story is perhaps my favourite, by Khalil Gibran - a prolific Lebanese writer, poet, philosopher and grand master of the short story who lived in late 19th - early 20th century.
The Pearl
Said one oyster to a neighbouring oyster, “I have a very great pain within me. It is heavy and round and I am in distress.”
And the other oyster replied with haughty complacence, “Praise be to the heavens and to the sea, I have no pain within me. I am well and whole both within and without.”
At that moment a crab was passing by and heard the two oysters, and he said to the one who was well and whole both within and without, “Yes, you are well and whole; but the pain that your neighbour bears is a pearl of exceeding beauty.”
Photo by Matthew Fassnacht on Unsplash