A Silent Retreat in Our Own Heart
Meet in Silent Truth
Dear Ones,
In this letter you will find:
A November-inspired invitation to self-reflect
Sunday MindRests restart as usual at 5pm UK time - join us for 1h30 of yoga, self-investigation and yoga nidra in a new series of 5 sessions called A Silent Retreat
Two 1:1 slots are open for regular MiST sessions until the end of the year - dive in, discover what you truly want and how you unconsciously betray that in service of old beliefs, heal the wounds underneath these beliefs and live a more expansive life in integrity with yourself.
A Silent Retreat in Our Own Heart
We are at the mid-point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. In the old traditions, this is the end of the harvest and the beginning of the dark cold winter. It is also said that this is a period where the veil between worlds is thinner and we are more perceptive, more insightful, more open to learn important lessons…if we are quiet enough to hear them.
A picture of my dear Teacher Ganga, walking on the beach with her dogs. So much love for her…
As the days get shorter and shorter, I feel called to withdraw my energy and attention from the world. Every year, I take this Autumn time to look at all the ways in which I overlook myself. I make space to stop (at least for a moment) the myriad of ways in which I abandon what’s right here in the pursuit of something out there to fill me up.
But this year, it’s a bit different or maybe more intense. Over the last few weeks and months, I kept hearing an inner guidance that I should stop trying to describe so much, stop depleting my energy in words and be physically quieter. I see how this impulse to write, describe, explain actually takes away from the sweetness of what is happening in my heart.
Of course, with all this love for words, I’ve been resisting this calling quite successfully. My mind kept presenting various reasons why this is a bad idea: “How are you going to make a living? How is life going to work out? You are going to become even more isolated” and blablabla…
Somehow, it feels ripe now…It is time. You will (luckily) hear less noise from me this winter, you will see less of me on social media and less of me in sessions, at least for a while. It’s a real retreat in a way, even though it doesn’t take place in some beautiful and exotic location. It does take place in the silence of my heart.
If this calls you in some way, please join me. I will continue with regular MindRest yoga sessions on Sunday for a while (though they may be quieter than usual). 1:1 MiST sessions will also continue, but fewer spots are now available (there are only 2 regular slots left). Our Space of Grace sharing circles will take a break until we feel the need to revive them collectively.
This feels so sweet and self-nourishing. I feel grateful for this life. I don’t know what is going on inside me, but something is, and it’s quiet and beautiful. It deserves my attention for a while. I thank you for being here with me in all the various parts of my journey.
With Love,
A November invitation to self-reflect
How do I deplete myself in the world physically, emotionally, mentally?
How do I hold back from the world physically, emotionally and mentally?
What if I stopped both? Where am I left then?
MindRest: A Silent Retreat
Starting tonight at 5pm UK on zoom
Welcome to join me from the comfort of your home for the next pack of 5 sessions. We will explore this invitation from the wheel of the seasons to withdraw from the world, reclaim our energy and nourish ourselves with it before the long winter sets in. It will be quiet, slow, mystical and sweet.
You can book a pack of 5 for £40 as usual or drop in for £12.
1h30 of yoga, meditation, self-reflection & yoga nidra, every Sunday until the end of November at 5pm UK
1:1 MiST Sessions - Meet in Silent Truth
Only 2 regular slots left until the end of the year
These sessions are a mix of self-inquiry and trauma-informed therapeutic support, but most importantly, they are rooted in silent loving Presence. This simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection. It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you.
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With Love and Gratitude,