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Seeds of Insight 020 - The Greatest Teacher

Dear You,

Today’s Seed is in honour of all the teachers and teachings, formal and informal - our parents, older siblings, partners and friends; random people who cross our paths; kind people and unkind ones; those who confirm us as well as those who doubt us. For they have served and continue to serve a greater purpose towards our learning about what we are not and waking up to what we really are. Sometimes, we have ears to hear the precious lessors, and sometimes we are not ready yet, but the time eventually comes. 

As I was preparing to teach an Introduction to Mindfulness class, I found an old book that I read long time ago - “The Power of Now” by Eckhard Tolle. That’s a simple way in for beginners, I thought.

A friend’s mum first gave it to me in my mid 20s. I remember reading it and not really understanding what it said, but I felt joy arising as I went through the pages. Then I read it once more in my early 30s during a period of depression. Again, I didn’t really understand what it was pointing to, but I felt peace amidst turmoil. 

As I opened the pages on Saturday, I realised how many layers there is to it.  How elegant and beautifully expressed…How patient for all of us taking our time to hear what it has to say. Fortunately, when someone speaks of the Truth, we may not hear it with our ears, but something in us still recognises it. It is to that Inner Teacher that I bow most deeply today.

With Love,



Yoga classes this week

Soulful Thursdays @ Studio Soma, Stoke Newington. 7pm, Thursday


Special offer: free 1:1 mindfulness sessions as part of a case study. Interested? Get in touch. 

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