Seeds of Insight 006 - Are we human or are we Spirit?

Dear You,

I spent most of my grown up life thinking that I am a human being (sometimes) having  a spiritual experience. But in weeks like the past one, this perspective magically folds onto itself. I am eternally grateful to the plant medicine, the Divine Mother and the opportunity to retreat from our day-to-day world here, in this magical valley in Portugal...For every cell in my body KNOWS today that I am an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. And what a relief to be reminded of that!

The following passage from the Law of Attraction teachings of the nonphysical being Abraham describes this pure joy in words that I could have never found myself.

You Are Eternal Beings in Physical Form.

You are eternal Beings who have chosen to participate in this specific physical life experience for many wonderful reasons. And this time-space-reality on Planet Earth serves as a platform in which you are able to focus your perspective for the purpose of specific creation.

You are eternal Consciousness, currently in this wonderful physical body for the thrill and exhilaration of specific focus and creation. The physical being that you define as "you" stands on the Leading Edge of thought, while Consciousness, which is really your Source, pours through you. And in those moments of inexpressible elation, those are the times when you are wide open and truly allowing your Source to express through you.

Sometimes you are fully allowing the true nature of your Being to flow through you, and sometimes you do not allow it to flow. You have the ability to always allow your true nature to pour through you, and that as you learn to consciously allow your full connection with the You that is your Source, your experience will be one of absolute joy. By consciously choosing the direction of your thoughts, you can be in constant connection with Source Energy, with God, with joy, and with all that you consider to be good.”

Abraham Hicks, from the book “Ask and it shall be given”

So let’s dance! Aho.

With love,


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