Introducing Seeds of Insight

Seeds of Insight is a weekly 5-minute read of sages’ words that make our minds stop and our hearts open. It’s curated with love.

Oxford Dictionaries define “insight” as the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. We’ve all had moments of profound insight and they all have something in common - the mind is absent. It is a mysterious paradox. Most of our knowledge appears to be accumulated by the mind, yet these glimpses of truth leave it struggling to catch up.

Seeds of Insight is a collection of the words of great sages that have evoked this mystery in me. They reflect my natural resonance with the path of self-inquiry, or in words more familiar to the Christian tradition - Know Thyself.

I’d love to share them with you. It is a weekly email, on a Sunday, the Day of Reflection or the day of hangover, football, furniture shopping, and after parties. If in doubt and would like some unusual reading, sign up here.

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