
Iri and her True Friend sessions (as well as all of her being, frankly) found me “by chance” in a turbulent time in my life. Time when I looked outside for help and support, instead of looking in; time when I thought doctors and therapists will show me the way, assure me, and somehow end the feelings of sadness and confusion. But it is not so. Iri showed me that I have everything I need already within me. That sweet stillness. That place of inner quiet strength. Simply Home. Nothing “out there” has a recipe for us to find ourselves. The only way forward is inward.
— Sonia
Our time together is a gift. Each session supports my onward journey towards peace and happiness. The tools Iri has helped me acquire to face the challenges of anxiety and self esteem are invaluable. She is a beautiful spirit.
— Al
Iri has a humble way to see the world, us, our pain...With her, you feel seen for who you are without judgement - the ‘you’ that only you know, but struggle to express.
— Zarina
These sessions change things profoundly in ways that I don’t understand - my circumstances are just the same, but there is more peace, more joy, less addiction. In deep gratitude for Iri’s being.
— A.
Iri was my best random click on Insight Timer - I can’t remember the last time I felt so held and clear.
— Anonymous
I’m so grateful for the last 4 weeks with Iri - truly life changing at such a challenging time for me.
— Kelly