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Seeds of Insight 53: December at MindRest - Back to the Original Womb

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell.

Dear One,

In this newsletter you will find:

  • December’s reflection: an invitation to retreat into the healing womb of the dark months 

  • Self-reflection suggestion for this period

  • December events at MindRest: we’ve added a new yoga class on Tuesday evenings

  • Save the Date for not one, but two beautiful 2022 retreats at Bodhi Bhavan, Portugal

December at MindRest - Healing Darkness

The month of December at MindRest is called Healing Darkness…Not that there is darkness to heal, but that the darkness itself is healing. It’s an invitation to retreat from the world of lights, objects, intentions and into the womb of the night of winter.

For many of us, this time of the year may feel challenging. The darkness outside can stir discomfort and difficult feelings within us and it is most natural to seek a return to comfort and ease. The MindRest sessions are certainly here for that - a warm and nourishing cocoon at the end of our weekends.

But if you feel called, you can take them one step further - into the so-called darkness itself. I’ve learnt and keep learning through my practice as a therapist and human being that the more we ignore these corners of our psyche, the more they command our lives in many unconscious ways. They show their hydro-like head when we expect them the least in cycles of repeated suffering. 

December is an invitation back into the original womb, where we can meet ourselves fully - naked, stripped of definitions, unembellished, unfixed, imperfect, struggling, hurting, broken. It’s a possibility to shine the light of our attention where it is needed and move towards these places rather than away from them.

And this attention IS love - it is the ultimate act of self-love and self-compassion. As we tend to ourselves without agenda or expectations, we break the cycle of self-abandonment and return home to our wholeness. 

Then we can be reborn into the light of Christmas once again - fresh, immaculate, whole as we’ve always been.

If you feel the call, you are welcome to join our sweet community as a drop in or as part of the monthly pack below. There is always space for you with us, even if you can’t afford to pay.

In Love.

December Invitation to Inquire

What am I ignoring (physically, emotionally, mentally and circumstantially)?

December schedule + Monthly Pack

  • (New!) Soulful Flow: 1h of soulful vinyasa, every Tues at 6pm UK on zoom; Drop-in: £7 or part of the monthly pack;

  • Space of Grace: online sharing and self-inquiry circle every second Wednesday at 8pm UK, Optional donations: 0-£10;

  • MindRest: Healing Darkness - join us every Sunday at 5pm UK for 1h30 of soulful yoga, self-reflection and yoga nidra on zoom. Drop-in: £12 or part of the monthly pack;

Monthly Subscription

£40. Gives you access to all classes (a total of 8) + circles (2). Total stand-alone value: £76

To sign up for the monthly pack, paypal me & receive all instructions and links via email. @paypal.me/theseedyoga

Drop-in Option

£12; paypal.me/theseedyoga

Save the Date for the Light: 2022 Retreats to be announced shortly

After an incredible time in the beautiful mountain of Monchique, South Portugal, I decided to offer not one, but two retreats in 2022. Watch this space for upcoming announcements and save the date:

  • Mar 20 - 27 - Spring Awakening: The Art of Leading with the Heart. Early bird spaces to be announced shortly - let me know if you want to be informed by replying to this email.

  • Oct 16 - 23 - Whole: Reclaim all parts of yourself. Return to your inner wholeness

Struggling to sleep? Resting Place on Insight Timer

Join me every Monday at 8pm UK for a free (optional donations-based) yoga nidra on the Insight Timer app. Yoga Nidra is the simplest, yet most profound practice of yoga - it is a practice of total rest and a form of conscious sleep with profound benefits for your nervous system. It increases your ability to unwind and fall sleep, supports you through stressful times, increases clarity, creativity and self-awareness. I would love to meet you there.

True Friend 1:1 Sessions

True Friend sessions are a mix of spiritual self-inquiry and therapeutic skills, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.

Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.

It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you

Upcoming Events

See this gallery in the original post

With Love and Gratitude,


Seeds of Insight is a newsletter of dubious frequency with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.