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Seeds of Insight 52: Reveal Your True Radiance

Dear Ones, in this newsletter you will find:

  • An ode of love to True Radiance, which is our Nature, whether we experience it fully or not

  • An invitation to discover it for yourself, to simply let go and shine with the True Friend 1:1 sessions,

I am back in to normal schedule and would love to support you in this discovery during the winter months. No better time to tend to yourself and uncover your own light in the darkness.

Radiance and the seeming play of shadows

Over the past year, it’s been revealed more and more that Radiance isn't the absence of difficult moments, lows, fear, anger, depression even. Radiance is the loving presence in all these moments. Radiance is there all along - when we are sudden with joy and when we are stopped in pain. When we experience stress and when we feel peaceful. When we hate ourselves and love ourselves. It's blessedly untouched by any of these states.

We tend to associate Radiance with feeling well and being joyful, but True Radiance is beyond any feelings. It is shining throughout, just like the sun keeps shining even when our place on Earth is in the shadow of the night. Shadow or light, night or day, joy or depression, self-care or self-betrayal...doesn't matter. Radiance is untouched by them all.

Radiance - the radiance that you are, that I am, that we all are - hasn't been dimmed the slightest, whatever you are going through, whatever happened to you, whatever story you are telling, however difficult the journey...For who else is reading these words right now? Who else is present in all states?

Radiance doesn’t come and go, but gets a little obstructed by a curious play of shadows that it meets on the way - our ever changeful internal image of who we are and who we “should be”. It seems to manifest in me as a theatre play of 2 characters - the one who has opinions of how I should or shouldn't feel, how I should or shouldn't act, how I should and shouldn’t look. I call this one the “inner Mussolini” - a violent and self-important voice inside that whips an imaginary “me” back into shape, when “me” feels or does something that doesn’t fit this inner image.

And of course, little “me” - the second protagonist - the poor victim of the dictator. This little “me” rarely gets explored or questioned. Instead, it gets busy trying to fix itself so that it can reach this impossible inner model.

The two fuel each other in an eternal theatre play that has no end. The truth is the Inner Mussolini never gets satisfied - it’s a hungry ghost. Little “me” never gets to feel complete, good, enough and included, regardless of all our instagram display (or especially so:) and even if we repeat 1000 times “I am enough” as an affirmation in front of a mirror (or especially so:). No, little “me” never gets to attain the inner radiant image. It is so by construction - the construction of theatre play, called ego.

Can you relate or is it just me?:)

Some of us are more identified with the Inner Mussolini, some of us dwell more in its faithful and miserable No 2. Some egos are more cherished by society and get an extra boost of applause from the audience, some are more criticised and uncomfortable…but at the end of the day, they all have something in common - a core of suffering.

The seeker, the enlightened one, the spiritual one or the worldly one, the helper, the selfish one, the fixer, the successful one, the failed one, the loser, the finder, the humble one, the confident one, the inflated one, the deflated one...that one.

What happens if you surrender that one just for a moment and remain without identity? What happens if you let go of all roles however beautiful they are? When you let go of all ideas of how you should and shouldn’t be…and simply are. Who are you then?

What remains is True Radiance...untouched, undeniable, always shining through all images and all roles. Aware of the play of “me” and “Mussolini”, aware of the temporary pauses for the mostly bored audience to get a drink and an ice cream…Deeper and quieter than all play and all pauses. Obstructed or not, still shining unconditionally. Just like the sun doesn’t stop shining when it’s night here in Portugal.

If these words resonate, I would love to support you in uncovering your own radiant essence, in removing the clutter, in becoming a little emptier. This is what the True Friend sessions are all about - not adding to a more polished role, but rather stripping away all roles.

Now that the retreat is over, I am back to normal schedule and would love to meet you in this true, simple and loving way. Learn more and book a session below.

True Friend 1:1 Sessions

True Friend sessions are a mix of spiritual self-inquiry and therapeutic skills, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.

Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.

It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you

MindRest Yoga Immersion + Monthly Pack are Back!

Regular online immersions of yoga, self-inquiry and yoga nidra every Sunday at 5pm just like last year. Treat yourself to a beautiful self-time ritual at the end of each weekend.

Many of you shared with me that last year’s MindRest on Sundays supported you through the winter months. Thank you for this sweet feedback.

If it serves, I’ll offer it again this autumn and winter. Starting from the first Sunday in November, we will be meeting again every Sunday at 5pm for 1h30 of yoga, self-reflection + healing yoga nidra. You can join the events as a drop-in (£12) or you can join the community through the monthly subscription, which is a more economical option if you are planning to come regularly. Beyond economical, it is also a more healing and revealing option - you get to do the full inquiry of the month and it is designed as a process that brings you to clarity and completion.

November: Let Your Leaves Rest

Every month, we will explore a different theme. November is inspired by the Autumn process of slow and peaceful death in nature - it’s an invitation to empty our cup, to let go of what’s already gone, so that we can ask some deep and potent questions and make space for new answers to arise. I’ve called it “Let all your leaves rest”.

Monthly Subscription

£30. Gives you access to:

+ 1 online yoga immersion per week + its recording. Total stand-alone value: £48-60 depending on the month.

+ a forth-nightly online circle to check in and share how you are doing

To sign up for the monthly pack, paypal me & receive all instructions and links via email. @ paypal.me/theseedyoga

Drop-in Option

£12; paypal.me/theseedyoga

Insight Timer Sleep Support: Resting Place

Join me every Sunday at 8pm UK for a free (optional donations-based) yoga nidra on Insight Timer. Yoga Nidra is the simplest, yet most profound practice of yoga - it is a practice of total rest and a form of conscious sleep with profound benefits for your nervous system. It increases your ability to unwind and fall sleep, supports you through stressful times, increases clarity, creativity and self-awareness. I would love to meet you there.

Upcoming Events

See this gallery in the original post

With Love and Gratitude,


Seeds of Insight is a newsletter of dubious frequency with no news. It’s your dose of words for the soul. To receive them by email, sign up here.