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Seeds of Insight 047 - My Body Says No + MindRest next week

Dear Ones,

Join me for a nourishing MindRest evening of cacao, breath & gong-infused rest in our beautiful London home Studio Soma, Stoke Newington on Wed, Jul 7, 7pm. The invitation is to bring the healing balm of our loving attention to the parts of ourselves that need it right now.

I certainly have been using this healing balm over the last few days - see my reflections about London life below (they stirred much debate on Instagram).

What to expect?

  • We’ll share ceremonial cacao and just how we are

  • We’ll stretch, breathe and feel our bodies from within with a very gentle movement to welcome the medicine.

  • We’ll rest deeply with a sweet sound infused yoga nidra & gong bath

Contribution: 20 pounds, bring a friend and get 20% off (use code DOUBLEREST when booking 2 spots). We only have a very limited number of spots to keep each other covid-safe, so get them while you can.


The body says NO

London, Baby. My body says no. A month and a half since we came back from Portugal and it is really taking its toll on my physical spacesuit and my nervous system.

I wake up with a jaw that hurts from clenching, I need coffee to go through the day, every breath is 10 quid, I eat restaurant food that I can't afford (and don't want to) as it is part of how we socialise, I eat meat, croissants and drink occasional glasses of wine to self-sooth. I feel like my body consists of a head + 10 fingers and nothing else...

Meanwhile, my creativity and actual ability to follow through with things has gone down and I miss the simplicity and clarity of being alive in Nature.

When I look around, I see more of that exhausted disconnected spacesuit everywhere...I can see the attraction in it - loads of experiences, distractions and entertainment. Feeling safe in the madness of the structure. Achieving the next thing, instead of feeling the emptiness of the previous one. Very little quiet time, sitting with emotional discomfort and boredom.

But it isn't life. It is mindless survival. And it goes at a speed that makes you feel nothing at all. This one month and a half felt 1 day long. The previous 6 felt like a decade.
I can't help but see how our society is shaped by our collective and personal trauma - better to be spinning in this crazy rat mill than to stop and feel the emptiness that we all have within.

And yet, this is exactly where the treasure of sovereignty, connection and true fulfilment is hiding...

I also see the green shoots of hope and sanity for a better, slower, more connected world. It starts with us.It is possible to listen to the body and say no, however much society tells us it is "unreasonable". This is my intention, this is what my heart longs for, this is what my body needs.

What about you? What does your body need?

Other upcoming events

Soulful Flow on Zoom, 55 mins of soulful vinyasa to start the day, Every Wed at 8am London

Meeting Anxiety: free event on Insight Timer, Mon Jul 12, 7pm London

Space of Grace, sweet mixed men & women circle on zoom, Wed 14 8pm London

Need 1:1 Support? True Friend Sessions

True Friend Therapy is a form of non-directive advanced hypnotherapy, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram of Egoic Fixation, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.

Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.

It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you

Upcoming Events

See this gallery in the original post

With Love and Gratitude,


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