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Seeds of Insight 045 - Whole: October Portugal Retreat


Monchique, Oct 24 - 31 2021

Reclaim all parts of your being. Rest in your innate wholeness

Dear One, 

Take a week out of your busy life and pause. Turn your phone off. Turn your gaze in. Step into a world of sensing, feeling, moving, diving deeply within, singing, dancing and simply being.

The first MindRest Retreat in Portugal is here and I am so honoured to pour my heart into a week of what I love dearly.

Join a small group of kind souls for one last warm escape before the winter sets in: a journey through the Five Elements and beyond, weaving yoga, dance, self-inquiry, yoga nidra, sound baths and ritual.


Early Bird Offer

Reserve a spot before July 15th to receive 10% off the price of your booking. Only 9 spots remaining.

“These immersions are like a healing balm for the Heart. You go in tired, busy and heavy. You go out quiet, light and overflowing with something so sweet.”

— MindRest participant


7 deep, but also nourishing and light-hearted days. 

The journey is designed to help us reconnect with all parts of our being, from the most physical ones - the world of form & our body, to the most subtle ones - the formless. We will be supported by yoga, somatic movement, meditation, rest and nourishment for all 5 senses - from grounding scents, through healthy food to healing sounds.

As we inquire into each element within us - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, we begin to discover parts of ourselves that we may have disowned due to trauma, stress or just life. Then we have the possibility to meet what has been avoided, heal what has been wounded and remember our innate wholeness.

As all parts are welcome, we can finally rest deeply and begin afresh, living life to its fullest potential.


The holy mountain of Monchique in the South of Portugal.

Hidden from the hustle and bustle of the usual tourist destinations on the Algarve coast, Monchique has all the natural elements present in abundance: grounding Earth and lush forests, natural Water sources, evening Fire ceremonies, clean Air and cozy morning mists, open Space and majestic views of the Atlantic coast (we are a 30-40min drive away from both the South AND the West coast). The nearest airport is Faro.

The retreat will take place in the beautiful Bodhi Bhavan, near the peak of the mountain - a place of serenity, silence and true intimacy that we will have all to ourselves. Out of many places I visited, I picked this one for its magical views, mountain walks and coziness. Our welcoming hosts Sita and Michael have created it with much love and it feels like a perfect balance between comfort and simplicity.


To reserve a spot, a non-refundable deposit of £200 is required*.

The balance of the payment is due before Aug 24. Places are limited to 14, so don’t leave it until the last moment.

Shared Twin or Double Room: £850

Single Room: £1250

Early Bird Offer

Book before July 15 and enjoy 10% off the full price.

*Given the fluid and uncertain situation with regards to international travel, I have offered greater flexibility around cancellations. See Terms and Conditions.


  • Your stay at Bodhi Bhavan (7 nights)

  • Two yoga sessions daily + circles/ceremonies/sound baths

  • Two delicious vegan/vegetarian meals a day (8 days)


  • Flights and transport from the airport

  • Massage and other self-care services

  • 1:1 True Friend hypnotherapy & coaching sessions (50% discount available)

  • Optional Enneagram exploration sessions


Each day will start with energising and soulful vinyasa yoga, meditation & self-reflection, followed by a nourishing brunch. We gather again in the late afternoon for a slow & restorative flow or a dance. Evenings will be infused with sound healing, sharing circles, cacao ceremonies and yoga nidra. 

In between, there is plenty of time to chill, work, hike, drive to the beach, learn about the Enneagram of Character Fixation or get 1:1 hypnotherapy support and coaching to go deeper.


My name is Irena Sekulska, but for most people I’m Iri. Through my platform MindRest, I teach soulful vinyasa, mindfulness, yoga nidra and and I mix all these things in wholistic sound-infused immersions on line and across studios in East London.

I support clients in a 1:1 setting as a certified True Friend therapist and self-inquiry coach. I'm also trained in trauma-informed mindfulness, sound healing, somatic experiencing and advanced Ericksonian hypnosis for healing.

Although my offering takes many different shapes, the essence is the same - I don’t really have anything to “offer”. It is my lived experience that you have all the answers within you - I’m simply a loving, empty and skilful mirror for your own self-discovery. I’m here to reflect back to you the possibility to live a free, naturally joyful and fulfilled life as your true natural Self.

“Iri’s warm and kind presence is such a blessing during this tough year. My life has changed in so many subtle and deep ways since I started working with her - not so much on the outside, but oh so much on the inside!”

— A True Friend Therapy client

I’m so thrilled and look forward to resting with you.



True Friend Therapy is a form of non-directive advanced hypnotherapy, combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram of Egoic Fixation, NLP & and the gift of Silence passed to my Teachers from their Teachers Sri Papaji & Sri Ramana Maharsi.

Being a True Friend to you simply (but powerfully) means meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart - being a humble mirror without agenda, without opinion, without judgement. I have found time and time again that this simple open meeting has a deeply healing effect and leaves space for you to see your own beautiful reflection.

It is the greatest gift I ever received and I am so honoured to extend the invitation to you

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With Love and Gratitude,


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