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Seeds of Insight 017 - Maybe

Dear You,

Last week’s Mindfulness teacher training in Oxford reminded me of a beautiful Taoist story about equanimity.

It seems to me that true equanimity - that ability to say ‘Maybe’ and let go of our perceived control over circumstances - comes with the understanding that we are not in charge. Life isn’t always the way we wish it to be and the more we hold on to our desired set of circumstances, the more we suffer. It is the Buddhist way and it is a difficult one.

There is however another aspect to it - perhaps a more Tantric one. True equanimity also comes with an understanding that all circumstances, even the most challenging ones, come from a place of Love, mystery, universal intelligence or whatever word resonates with you. Often, what we perceive to be the worst periods in our lives turn out to be the biggest blessings in time. Life presents us with lessons that we need to learn and in this process of learning, we open up more, we let go of more, we release control more. We embrace parts of ourselves that we have disowned and gain true integrity.

It is a challenge and a holy path for me (and likely a dream for my partner) to remind myself of this truth in my most hysterical moments. Amen.

With Love,




MEANING:FULL: September 2, @Studio Soma, Stoke Newington. Find your inner purpose & build a life in service of it. My dear soul sister Nadia and I will combine yoga, meditation, deep relaxation, journalling and self-inquiry in 4 weeks dedicated to you! Come and give yourself a present, ask yourself uncomfortable questions, make the changes to your life that you SO deserve.

Yoga classes this week

Soulful Thursdays @ Studio Soma, Stoke Newington. 7pm, Thursday

Rooftop Flow @ our home, Stoke Newington, 11am Saturday


Special offer: free 1:1 mindfulness sessions as part of a case study. Interested? Get in touch. 

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